Our Company
' Our passion for retail will drive your success '

Premier Retail Marketing was established in 2002 to provide retail advice to Councils, Mainstreets and Shopping Centres in the areas of business mix development, marketing and best practice governance models.
David West our Principal Consultant and Director of the company has extensive shopping centre and mainstreet experience in Australia and overseas. In 2017 David published a book ‘Mainstreet Management – Successful Retail Strategies’ as a valuable resource for mainstreet, mall managers and economic development staff within Council and Government.

Local and International Experience
David’s local knowledge and overseas experience means he can assess the success factors in your Mainstreet or retail precinct and develop effective marketing and management strategies tailored for your location. David has developed a list of mainstreet success factors that he uses to assess the strengths and weaknesses of each unique location.
PRM. can guide you through the complete retail project from on-site analysis and customer research to developing strategies and action plans that can be measured. The Principal Consultant David West has experience developing retail strategies for a range of locations including the Adelaide CBD, Mildura (VIC), Christchurch (NZ), Queanbeyan (NSW) Fremantle (WA), Hutt Street, O’Connell Street and Mount Barker (SA).
Understanding retail and business in a global context ensures the most relevant and best practice strategies are being applied on the local level even for the smallest mainstreet or town centre. Implementing these strategies and actions can deliver long term outcomes for the benefit both the business and local community.

Experience saves Time
David West our principal consultant has worked with Councils across Australia and New Zealand. In addition, he worked in Local Government Economic Development to support and promote small business in mainstreet and city centres. He has developed many strategies from his experience as a shopping centre manager and retail advisor. He has experience in big cities such as London, Auckland, Sydney, Melbourne and Perth, as well as smaller towns, mainstreets and centres.
PRM. has delivered business and economic strategies that support small businesses as well as whole precints. The extensive experience of our Principal Consultant saves you TIME and MONEY with his understanding of the retail sector and the many elements that are needed to develop and improve the performance of a retail area.

' Retail is Detail '
What makes PRM. different?
Evidence Based Strategies
David develops strategies that include Action Plans and measurable outcomes. Measures come in a range of forms including quantitative and qualitative assessments and onsite changes and improvements. Communication with stakeholders is important through the implementation of Action Plans. We should keep businesses in the loop by telling them what will happen, when it will happen and when it is complete.
Engagement with Retailers
Retailers and businesses must be involved in the planning process. Using business needs surveys, face to face discussions, phone calls or workshops can bring the key issues to light. David is adept at this process because of his friendly professional approach and extensive experience with small and large retailers over many years. His hands on knowledge is well regarded by businesses.
Customer Focus
Why do we try to improve our mainstreets ot city centres? Its for the customers at the end of the day. If we do not have the customer lens on our work we are talking to ourselves and we need to branch outside of this comfort zone. I always measure the operation and presentation of a mainstreet from a customer view. If we cannot imagine a mum with a young family using our facilities then we rea not being real and these customers will go elsewhere. There is plenty of competition out there so we must get it right.
Support for Councils
David knows how to link Councils with small businesses and property owners. He has worked with Councils over the past 25 years and has been a Council employee for 9 years when managing Rundle Mall and delivering the Retail Strategy. David understands how Elected Members are key partners in the business building process and how Council administration staff interact with them. Many of David’s completed projects have been initiated by Council Economic Development staff.
Photo Credits – Marylebone – Howard De Walden Estate