Mainstreets are the economic, social and cultural lifeblood of local communities. Mainstreets and High Streets around the world have their own unique character and strengths that attract customers and visitors, and set them apart from other competing retail areas and centres. David our Director was a Founding Member of MainstreetSA in 2011 and he is a Life Member of Mainstreet Australia and he is committed to supporting their growth.
To expand his knowledge of mainstreets and world trends David joined the Mainstreet America group as a Member over 10 years ago. Having resources from a wide range of sources adds value to every project Premier Retail Marketing undertakes as the leading consultant.
David recently conducted research projects for 14 South Australian mainstreets in six Council areas and 11 Victorian mainstreets in the Banyule Council area.
Types of Mainstreets
Premier Retail Marketing has conducted analysis projects in small country mainstreets, larger suburban mainstreets and mainstreets within a city centre like Adelaide, Fremantle and Christchurch. In addition David has been involved in UK high streets while living in London for twelve months in 2011 and he has returned to the UK many times since then.
The requirements and needs for mainstreets all over the world focuses on four main elements including governance, marketing, business mix and streetscape as described in the Retail Report Card section of this website. Professional governance and the ability for businesses in a mainstreet to work in a collaborative way is a critical factor.
Mainstreet Projects
Mainstreet Project #1
Eastern Region Adelaide – 6 Council areas, 14 mainstreet business mix analyses including The Parade Norwood, King William Road and Magill Village.
The objective of the project was to analyse the business mix in key shopping strips and main streets to identify gaps in the mix and to seek opportunities to add to the diversity of businesses to maintain sustainable streets and business clusters that contribute to the economic vitality of the area.
ERA Councils identified 14 main streets and shopping strips to be analysed as part of this project. The current business mix in each street was researched onsite and documented to identify gaps and opportunities, and compare the mix with other streets and precincts. The process workflow included (1) Conduct an on-site street analysis, (2) Match street-view to the recorded analysis data, (3) Develop business mix tables using ANZSIC retail classifications.
Mainstreet Project #2
Banyule City Council area Centres Review of 11 mainstreet precincts including East Ivanhoe, Greensborough, Rosanna and Watsonia.
The analysis of the Banyule Special Rates and charges scheme included business needs surveys sent to business owners in the 11 commercial centres with a funding scheme. In addition, another survey was sent to home-based businesses and those in business parks to gain feedback from the non-scheme businesses.
Additional information was discovered through online meetings with Commercial Centre Managers, Banyule Economic Development Staff, and Banyule Council Staff to understand how the current programs were working and what improvements could be made. The online business surveys can form a benchmark for future feedback and engagement with the business sector to monitor improvements.
PRM conducted reviews of the Centre Business Plans, Budgets, Work Plans and Websites and engaged in interviews with Council Economic Development Staff, Scheme Centre Managers, Council Operations Staff and the many businesses in the retail areas. Centres included Eaglemont Village, Montmorency Village, Greensborough Town Centre, Bell Street Mall, Ivanhoe Shops, Macleod Village, Lower Plenty Shopping Centre, Rosanna Village, Heidelberg Central, East Ivanhoe Village and Watsonia Shops.
Mainstreet Project #3
Mildura CBD Victoria – Langtree Mall and adjacent mainstreets
PRM completed a Business Needs Survey and retail analysis to complement the extensive economic and design analysis being delivered by JENSEN Plus as key elements of the CBD Revitalisation Project. The business sector was asked about CBD Governance, Marketing & Promotion, Business Mix and Streetscape to help shape strategies moving forward.
Businesses said they were well represented by Mildura City Heart and they supported the streetscape improvements as they would add value to their business. They identified vacant shops as an issue and attracting new businesses to Mildura as a priority. The governance model was analysed in detail and the City Heart was given a big tick of approval for due diligence and the quality and frequency of communications with businesses.
Our Favourite Mainstreets
There are many great mainstreets both here in Australia and around the world. Here are some of our favourite examples of successful mainstreets and highstreets:
- Rundle Street – Adelaide
- Regent Street – London
- Marylebone High Road – London
- Ponsonby Road – Auckland
- Rodeo Drive – Los Angeles
- Prospect Road – Adelaide
- Parnell Village – Auckland
- Wisconsin Avenue – Washington DC
- Regent Street Christchurch
- Beaufort Street – Perth
- High Street Armadale, Melbourne
- Carnaby Street – London
- Portobello Road – Notting Hill, London
Photo Credits – Ebenezer Place – Maras Group